Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Avoiding Pre-Prom Stress

The big day is nearly here, and despite all efforts to the contrary, you’re feeling stressed out! Don’t worry. The excitement, planning, and commotion of prom can leave even the calmest nerves a little frazzled. I mean, this is one of the biggest nights of the year, right? So, how can you push away a little of the stress and drama and simply enjoy the experience? Try these simple ideas:

1) Breathe! Sounds too simple, right? But a few minutes of simple breathing exercises can do wonders to calm your nerves and help you feel you’ve got things under control. It also helps to take a few minutes to clear your head and prepare for the day. This can be the perfect time for that. Sit on the edge of your bed, close your eyes for a moment, and breathe. It’s simply amazing what some oxygen to your brain can do!
2) Drink lots of water. Regardless of the reason for your stress, water can alleviate some of the fatigue you are experiencing—and it’s great for your skin, too. Try to avoid sodas and energy drinks, even though they may offer immediate results. They tend to dehydrate you, making you feel even more worn out when the sugar and caffeine buzz wear off.
3) Make a list. Before hopping in bed for the night, take a minute to start a to-do list for the next day. That way you can rest easy, knowing you’ve already planned a time to take care of important duties. A list also offers important reminders for those last-minute details you’re worried you might forget.
4) Download some of your favorite music and take a walk. For many, familiar music relieves tension and helps calm nerves. Your favorite songs can help take your mind off your worries, and the fresh air can rejuvenate you and help you feel ready for the big night.
5) Double-check all the attire you’ll need. Lay out your dress and shoes, even your undergarments, to assure you have everything you need and that your favorite, much-needed articles aren’t in the wash. Be sure to include accessories. That way, when the time arrives, you can easily slip into everything, feeling confident you haven’t forgotten anything. Nothing is more stressful than running around, trying to find something at the last minute.
6) Take a long, hot bath. Few things feel better than a quiet soak in a tub of hot water. To optimize the experience, add bath salts that will moisturize your skin and help loosen you up. Light a candle and turn the lights off. You can even listen to some relaxing music to help get your mind off all your stress.

Now relax--your big night is almost here . . . and it’s going to be amazing!